The situation with Coronavirus in Croatia

Dear guests,

if you were planning to spend your 2020 summer vacation in Dubrovnik, you probably have concerns regarding the pandemic of Coronavirus in Croatia. That is why we bring you links to the trustworthy websites informing about the status and precautionary measures taken in our country to fight against this global pandemic.

On 25 Feb 2020, the first case of COVID-19 was reported in Zagreb (the capital of Croatia), when a patient who had come from Italy was tested positive. Since then, in order to minimize the spread of the Coronavirus, the Croatian national authorities have established the regulation that foreign nationals entering Croatia from infection hotspots will be subject to a 14-day quarantine, while a 14-day self-isolation is required for Croatian citizens.

Numerous regulations and measures have been implemented to suppress the further spread of COVID-19. For the latest information on Coronavirus in Croatia, we advise to check out the websites of the world and national public health authorities and other relevant sources.

Government of the Republic of Croatia – the official Coronavirus information website

World Health Organization – regional office for Europe

Croatia Airlines – important notice for all passengers from the national airline company

Statista – Data Platform

The world’s first quarantine

Did you know that the first quarantine ever was established in Dubrovnik in 1377? It is called Lazareti. The Lazareti were used for isolation of travelers and goods coming from eastern countries because of the outbreaks of infectious diseases. Both people and goods had to spend 40 days there before they could enter the city. This proves our ancestors were wise and prudent and that they did everything they could to protect the city and its inhabitants.

We are all aware that this unfortunate pandemic is causing a huge shifting of priorities for the entire world’s population. Plans of traveling, holidays and leisure have been abruptly stopped, and people dread about the future. Even our everyday life is going through overwhelming changes. Coronavirus in Croatia hinders work, schooling, healthcare, traveling, … But the important thing now is to stay optimistic. This too shall pass and hopefully, we will pick up where we left off, the best we know how, and we will succeed. There will be jobs, travels, adventures, and laughter around the world again.

Although social distancing in real life has been recommended by both national and local public health authorities, we would like to stay in touch with you, our dear guests, at least this way. Therefore, we invite you to contact us if need insider information prior to your future travel to Dubrovnik. You are also welcome to interact with us through our social media channels.

We are always here for you. Stay optimistic, safe and healthy!

Find updated info on Coronavirus in Croatia here.